Latest Publications

Vincent C., Cristiano A., Cuadros-Casanova I., Pacifici M., Soria C. D., Tedeschi L., et al. (2024). The war in Ukraine is changing plausible future socioeconomic scenarios leading to an unexplored outlook for biodiversity. Conservation Science And Practice.
Lenzner B., García-Rodríguez A., Colling G., Dullinger S., Fugger J., Glaser M., et al. (2024). The neglected importance of managing biological invasions for sustainable development. People And Nature.
Schertler A., Tedeschi L., & Essl F. (2024). Reeves’ muntjac Muntiacus reveesi (Ogilby, 1839) in Austria. Bioinvasions Records, 13(3), 685-695.
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