Division leader

Franz Essl

  • Webpage:
  • Interests:Biological Invasions – Macroecology – Conservation Biology – Biodiversity Policy – Climate Change

Senior Scientist

Bernd Lenzner


Michael Glaser

Daijun Liu

  • Webpage:
  • Interests:Experimental Ecology – Biodiversity – Functional Traits – Biological Invasions – Ecosystem functions

PhD students

Anna Schertler

  • Webpage:
  • Interests:Biogeography – Macroecology – Conservation Biology – Wildlife Ecology – Fungal invasions
  • Thesis:Macroecological perspectives in invasion biology – drivers of plant and fungal invasion patterns.
Tom Vorstenbosch

Tom Vorstenbosch

  • Interests:Polar Invasions – Macroecology – Plant Biodiversity – Island Biogeography – Climate Change
  • Thesis:Modelling future biological invasions in the sub-Antarctic under climate change.

Gilles Colling

  • Webpage:
  • Interests:Biological Invasions – Spatio-Temporal Spread – Macroecology
  • Thesis:Alien Species Accumulation Across Scales.

Ana Isabel Martinez-Richart

  • Interests:Ecological connectivity – Forest Biodiversity – Conservation biology
  • Thesis:Landscape connectivity in forests. A multi-taxa case study on stepping stones between the Dürrenstein-Lassingtal Wilderness Area, and the Kalkalpen and Gesäuse National Parks, Austria.

Jennifer Hennenfeind

  • Interests:human-nature interactions, macroecology, global change
  • Thesis:How biodiversity and climate change influence human conflicts

Research assistant

Julia Fugger

  • Interests:Climate Change – Conservation Policy – Biological Invasions – Sustainable Development Goals

Former team members

Janine Oettel

  • Webpage:
  • Interests:Forest Biodiversity – Forest management – Deadwood – Saproxylic Insects – Habitat Trees
  • Thesis:Deadwood characteristics, its dynamics, and feeding traces of saproxylic insects in the context of forest management and conservation.

Guillaume Latombe

  • Webpage:

Visiting researcher

Gabriel Petuel [February-March 2024]

  • Interests:Alien and Invasive plants – Biodiversity – Plant Ecology – Conservation Biology
  • Thesis:The role of alien plant species in tropical rainforest succession in Papua New Guinea.
