In the beginning of May, the two Ecological Society (GfÖ) specialists groups on biogeography and macroecology joined forces and held a meeting at the University of Bayreuth (Germany). The conference was a vibrant gathering of researchers focusing on large-scale broad questions in ecology including excellent talks across biogeographic regions, taxonomic groups as well as spatial and temporal scales.
Among the 40 oral presentations and 50 posters were also one talk by Bernd Lenzner on “The impact of European colonialism on global plant redistribution” presenting finding of the recent associated paper in Nature Ecology and Evolution (link) and two posters by Ekin Kaplan on “ReSurveyEurope: a database of resampled vegetation plots in Europe” and on “DASCO: A workflow to downscale alien species checklists using occurrence records and to re-allocate species distributions across realms” related to a recent paper in Neobiota (link).